Matthieu Forichon
Months ago I wrote about the blog of Pascal Campion. I forgot to mention about his partner's blog, which features equally cool illustrations. Ladies and gentlemen, Matthieu Forichon.
Months ago I wrote about the blog of Pascal Campion. I forgot to mention about his partner's blog, which features equally cool illustrations. Ladies and gentlemen, Matthieu Forichon.
Here are some blogs of book publishers that I check out regularly. They have book previews, events, giveaways, etc. Great for checking out upcoming books.
If you know of any other publishers that have interesting blogs, share them via comment.
Here's a highly inspirational blog called Doodlers Anonymous. It's frequently updated with sketches from from doodlers all over the world.
From their About page:
Doodlers Anonymous was founded to celebrate our addiction, and like any other, we're hooked. The need to draw, sketch, and doodle is constant. We doodle on almost anything we can find — pencil in a moleskine, marker on a napkin, ink on a torn receipt, sharpie on concrete. And we do it habitually — while on hold, in a meeting, during class, or while we should be sleeping.
This is a permanent home for spontaneous art. There's a blog, interviews, themed-submissions and a lot of amusing thoughts on paper.
You can find the blog at
Here's the sketchbook blog of Alexander Preuss called ABALAKIN. There are more finished works than sketches there. He works on futuristic sci-fi concept art.
Here's a link back to Gisele Jaquenod & Birdie. There's a lot going on her blog: interesting pictures, Blogger template giveaways, contests, Birdie items for sale, tutorials and so much more. It's one of my frequently read blogs.
Be sure to check it out at