5 Questions for Katya Katkova

We have with us Katya Katkova from UK for this short interview today. She one of the co-authors for a cool art guide called East London Mornings. The guide features quaint, independent and lesser known breakfast and cafes around East London. It includes illustrations by UK and international artists, poems and hand-drawn maps.

East London Mornings is a project that she's been running since 2011 and there's already a first edition book out. Now she has put up the second edition on Kickstarter to get it published again. You can check out more details at https://kck.st/1pgiyJd

Alright here are the 5 questions for Katya Katkova.

Qn: Can you tell our readers the origin or inspiration for such East London Mornings?

Hackney is our home and it has a very unique atmosphere. It is most experienced on the early afternoon when borough’s creative residents having a late breakfast, arranging a working meeting over the cup of coffee or sharing a wooden table with other freelancers. All these places are hidden from tourists and are known only by a very limited amount of locals. I was very exited every time I used to unexpectedly find places like these.

At that time, about five years ago I was new to London and had an idea that a huge city can’t be cosy or welcoming. Hackney broke this stereotype and I wanted to share the experience. I’ve started a blog and very soon many artists and poets joined the project.

Qn: What do you think is the charm of these independent coffee shops?

Every little spot has its own character. Some are cosy, some are fancy and some are very simple. Every day is different and you can choose what you want to experience that particular morning.

Qn: Are there any memorable experience while you or the artists were out looking for coffee shops or ideas?

The best memory was when I bought a bicycle. I started to explore East London’s every little street and it held so many coffee surprises! All of them are now on the map.

Qn: Which is your favourite coffee shop? Why?

Depends on the mood. For example, The Counter is an absolute winner for a hot sunny day, Tina, we salute you is the best for watching people passing by on sad days. Cozy Cooper & Wolf is for rainy afternoons and The Hackney Pearl is for dreaming over the cup of their amazing iced latte. All the places featured in the guide are my favourite in a way.

Qn: What are the challenges for coming with such a book?

I believe everything always works easily and smoothly if you do it from your heart.

We had a wonderful feedback about the project and published the first limited edition of the book. It was sold out in a week and we’ve decided to publish a large edition. We'll fundraise money and this is the first serious challenge we’ve experienced I guess.

Thank you, Katya Katkova.

Lovely readers, you can check out the details for East London Mornings at https://kck.st/1pgiyJd

Campaign ends 31 Jul 2014.

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