List of sketchbooks, scrapbooks, journals, travelogues reviewed
The list is not comprehensive but constantly updated.
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Book titles link to reviews. Other links are to Amazon.
Looking for sketchbooks to draw on?
- Figured Out by Rembert Montald (2024)
- Sketch.Box: Bjorn Hurri (2024)
- Sketch.Box: Somnath Pal (2024)
- Iain McCaig's Once Upon a Time in the Sketchbook(2024)
- Sketch.Box: Abigail Larson (2023)
- Creations Vol 1 & 2 by Derek Laufman (2022)
- Character Design Collection: Fairy Tales & Folklore (2022)
- Mike Mignola: The Quarantine Sketchbook (2021)
- Making Marks: Architects' Sketchbooks - The Creative Process (2019)
- Random Imaginations: A Collection of Illustrated Musings by Eddie Chau (2018)
- Kim Jung-Gi 2018 Sketch Collection (2018)
- All My Photographs Are Made With Pens (2017)
- Extended Psychoneurosis by Foo Swee Chin (2017)
- Food Swings: An Illustrated Travel Journal by Doodlenomics (2017)
- Masters of Sketching (2017)
- Botanical Sketchbooks (2017)
- Pep Talks for the Would-Be, Should-Be Artist (2016)
- Claire Wendling: Forget Me Not (2016)
- Sketchy Stories: The Sketchbook Art of Kerby Rosanes (2016)
- The Line Art Challenge: 100 sketches for 100 days (2016)
- Keeping Sketchbooks (2016)
- Art of Kian (2016)
- Sketching Times 2: Inspiration from Artists Sketch Collection (2016)
- The Art of Sketching: 400 Years of Travel Diaries (2016)
- Pen & Ink: Contemporary Artists, Timeless Techniques (2016)
- Start Sketching Start Drawing by David Tsnen (2016)
- The Sketch-Book Cook (2015)
- The Third in Line (2015)
- Fantastic Cities: A Coloring Book of Amazing Places Real and Imagined (2015)
- Hand Drawn Halifax: Portraits of the city's buildings, landmarks, neighbourhoods and residents (2015)
- K Sketchbook Volume 3 & 4 (2015)
- Superbelle Sketchbook One & Two by ArtGerm (2015)
- Jean-Baptiste Monge Sketchbook (2015)
- Mediterranean Cuisines by Santi Sallés (2015)
- Omphalos: Kim Jung Gi Sketchbook (2015)
- Daily Zoo Vol 3 (2015)
- Frazetta Sketchbook, Vol. II (2015)
- A World of Artist Journal Pages: 1000+ Artworks | 230 Artists | 30 Countries (2015)
- Sketchbook: Composition Studies for Film (2015)
- Sketching Times Vol 1 English edition (2015)
- Inkworks: Darren Quach Sketchbook Vol. 01 (2015)
- Syllabus: Notes from an Accidental Professor by Lynda Barry (2014)
- A Bowl of Olives: On Food and Memory (2014)
- Drawn to Drawing by John Vernon Lord (2014)
- An Excuse to Draw: Tommy Kane Sketches the World (2014)
- Tim Bradstreet: The Sketchbook Series Volume 1 (2014)
- A Book of Drawings by Ian McQue (2013)
- PARADOX: A Painting Exhibition catalogue (2013)
- Sketchbook: Slow and Steady 慢漫来 by Chang Lip Wei (2013)
- Andrea's Book (2013)
- The Second in Line (2013)
- ImagineFX Sketchbook (2013)
- Freehand: Sketching Tips and Tricks Drawn from Art (2013)
- 速写时光 2 with 30 Artists (2013)
- 速写时光 (Sketching Times sketchbook) (2013)
- RocketRaygun: The Art of Kelvin Chan Volume 2 (2013)
- Pepita: Takehiko Inoue Meets Gaudi (2013)
- Kim Jung Gi 2013 Sketch Collection (2013)
- K Sketchbook Vol 1 (2013)
- Animation Sketchbooks (2013)
- The Frazetta Sketchbook (2013)
- Animal Nature: The Art of Joe Weatherly Volume 2 (2012)
- London, You're Beautiful: An Artist's Year (2012)
- Problematic: Sketchbook Drawings 2004-2012 (2012)
- A Kiss Before You Go: An Illustrated Memoir of Love and Loss (2012)
- Robert Crumb: The Sketchbooks: 1981 - 2012, 6 Vol. (2012)
- Mattias Unfiltered: The Sketchbook Art of Mattias Adolfsson (2012)
- Comics Sketchbooks: The Private Worlds of Today's Most Creative Talents (2012)
- Shuffle 06 - Structures (2012)
- The Daily Zoo Goes to Paris (2012)
- Sketchbook Confidential 2: More Secrets from the private sketches of 38 master artists (2012)
- Singapore Sketchbook (2011)
- Shuffle 05 - Character Design (2011)
- Sketchtravel (2011)
- Wasserfarben für Gestalter (2011)
- Kim Jung-Gi 2007 & 2011 Sketch Collection (2011)
- Bengal Sketchbook (2011)
- Dave Stevens: The Complete Sketchbook Collection (2011)
- Mico Suayan 2011 (2011)
- Ray Toh Ideabook 2011 (2011)
- Drawn In: A Peek into the Inspiring Sketchbooks of 44 Fine Artists, Illustrators, Graphic Designers, and Cartoonists (2011)
- Artist's Journal Workshop: Creating Your Life in Words and Pictures (2011)
- The First in Line (2011)
- 男の絵日記―15分で描くライフスケッチ (A Guy's Art Diary: 15 Minutes Life Sketch) (2010)
- Obsessive Consumption: What Did You Buy Today? (2010)
- Paul Davidson: Unpublished Artworks of an Extraordinary Nature (2010)
- Alex Sheikman Sketchbook 2010 (2010)
- The Bird King and Other Sketches (2010)
- Graphic: Inside the Sketchbooks of the World's Great Graphic Designers (2010)
- Sketchbook Confidential: Secrets from the private sketches of over 40 master artists (2010)
- Aim High, Keep Moving! (2010)
- Rocketraygun: The Art of Kelvin Chan (2010)
- Shuffle : Tome 4, Robots (2010)
- Planet to Planet: Creatures and Strange Worlds (2010)
- Shuffle 3 : Carnet de croquis (2010)
- Mut zum Skizzenbuch: Zeichnen und Skizzieren unterwegs (2009)
- The Beat of Urban Art (2009)
- Keatopia Sketchbook (2009)
- Daily Zoo Year 2: Keeping the Doctor at Bay with a Drawing a Day (2009)
- Sketch Book for the Artist (2009)
- Joe Weatherly Sketchbook Volume 1 (2009)
- Passion for Life (2009)
- Brain Trust by Peter Thompson & James Kirkpatrick (2009)
- 1,000 Artist Journal Pages: Personal Pages and Inspirations (2008)
- Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! (2008)
- Les Carnets d'Alger 2 by Catherine Rossi
- The Daily Zoo (2008) FAV
- Sonny Liew's Secret Robot Spy Factory (2008)
- 4:00 AM (2008)
- What It Is (2008)
- An Illustrated Life (2008) FAV
- Street Sketchbook (2007)
- Visualizing Ideas: From Scribbles to Storyboards (2006)
- A Year in Japan by Kate T. Williamson (2006)
- The Black Frog's Doodles (2006)
- Daphne 01: Sketches of Daphne Yap (2006)
- Drawing From Life: The Journal as Art (2005)
- Postsecrets (2005)
- Peter de Sève Sketchbook (2004)
- The Will Eisner Sketchbook (2004) FAV
- The Goblin Companion: A Field Guide to Goblins (2003)
- Spilling Open: The Art of Becoming Yourself (2000)
- How to Make a Journal of Your Life (1999)
3Dtotal Sketching From the Imagination
- Sketching from the Imagination: Character Concepts (2023)
- Sketching from the Imagination: Magic & Myth (2022)
- Sketching from the Imagination: Storytelling (2022)
- Sketching from the Imagination: Anime & Manga (2020)
- Sketching from the Imagination: Creatures & Monsters (2019)
- Sketching from the Imagination: Dark Arts (2018)
- Sketching from the Imagination: Characters (2017)
- Sketching from the Imagination: Sci-fi (2015)
- Sketching from the Imagination: Fantasy (2014)
- Sketching from the Imagination: An Insight into Creative Drawing (2013)
Urban Sketching
- Remains of the Journey by Jörg Asselborn
- The World of Urban Sketching (2022)
- Layers of Looking by Ian Fennelly (2020)
- Paul Heaston Sketchbook 2019-2020 (2020)
- A Week Sketching in the Galapagos (2020)
- La Kopi sketchbook by Alvin Mark Tan (2020)
- Secrets of the Traveling Sketcher (2020)
- An Urban Sketcher's Galway (2019)
- Seville from Top to Bottom by Inma Serrano (2019)
- A Small City by the Sea: An Artist's View of Portsmouth, New Hampshire (2018)
- Urban Sketching: 9 days in Sri Lanka (2018)
- Garis: An Anthology of Sketches by Johor Sketchers (2018)
- Urban Sketchbook Band I: Skizzenbuchseiten von Urban Sketchern im Deutschsprachigen Raum (2017)
- The Alhambra Sketchbook by Luis Ruiz (2017)
- Hola, Miró!!! A Travel Sketch Journal by Swasky (2017)
- Barcelona Rooftops by Miguel Herranz (2017)
- Dare to Sketch: A Guide to Drawing on the Go (2017)
- Manchester Sketchbook (2017)
- Oliva Illustrated Guide (2017)
- Barcelona - Original: The Sketching Lover’s Companion (Sketching on Location) (2016)
- The Urban Sketchbook: Get Out, Walk, Observe, Draw, Lose Yourself, Create (2016)
- Urban Sketching Old San Juan - Puerto Rico (2016)
- Paris, je t’aime.: An Urban Sketchbook (2016)
- My Journey to Machu Picchu, Peru (2015)
- Drawn: The Art of Ascent (2015)
- Here & There (Again) (2015)
- Impressions of Wine Country (2015)
- Let's Draw! Singapore (2015)
- Nepal The Art Book by Bernat Moreno (2015)
- The World is so Big: Art Artist's Sketchbook by James Tan (2015)
- 傘下速寫 (Sketches Under The Umbrella) (2015)
- Cuba, an 56 de la Révolution: [Carnet de voyage] sous embargo (2014)
- Lapin au Japon: Tokyo-Osaka-Kyoto-Nara (2014)
- CIao Firenze! by Alvin Mark Tan (2014)
- Show Me Manila! in 101 Sketches (2014)
- Everywhere I Went, My Sketchbook Was Sure to Go (2014)
- Urban Sketching The Freedom Trail: Walking and Sketching Boston's Famous Trail (2014)
- Urban Watercolor Sketching: A Guide to Drawing, Painting, and Dreaming in Color (2014)
- Have Phone, Will Paint (2014)
- Sketching Guantanamo: Court Sketches of the Military Tribunals, 2006-2013 (2013)
- Now Where Was I? A Sketchbook Memoir by Steven Reddy (2013)
- Wil Freeborn's Sketchbook: Selection of Drawings and Watercolours Made in Scotland (2013)
- Una mirada a Sarrià (2013)
- Sketching Guantanamo: Court Sketches of the Military Tribunals, 2006-2013 (2013)
- Enjoy, Gaudi sketchbook by Swasky (2013)
- Drawing Around Sagrada Familia by Nina Johansson (2013)
- Freehand Drawing and Discovery: Urban Sketching and Concept Drawing for Designers (2013)
- GALICIA EN TREN by Jorge Arranz (2012)
- A Week in Venice by Liz Steel (2012)
- Lapin à Carcassonne Agglo (2012)
- Lapin à Istanbul (2012)
- CADIZ en 360° (2012)
- Hotel Sketch Mike Sketch: Hotel Rooms + Travel Sketches (2012)
- Singapore Neighbourhoods sketchbook series (2013)
- Thirty Days on the Camino (2012)
- Back Alleys and Urban Landscapes
- Draw Occupy Wall Street (2011)
- Barry Herniman's Travelling Sketchbook (2011)
- Tombs pel barri Gòtic (2011)
- Sketches: From Here and There (2011)
- The Art of Urban Sketching (2011)
- Urban Sketchers Singapore Vol 1 (2011)
- Everything Is Its Own Reward: An All Over Coffee Collection (2011)
- The Artist on the Road: Impressions of Greece (2010)
- Los Viajes de Emily Nudd Mitchell (2009)
- All Over Coffee (2007)
- The Creative License (2005)
Travel journals
- Hand Drawn Vancouver: Sketches of the City's Neighbourhoods, Buildings, and People (2020)
- Tokyo Travel Sketchbook (2020)
- All the Buildings in Paris: That I've Drawn So Far (2018)
- Sketch by Sketch: Along Nova Scotia's South Shore (2017)
- Anne Desmet: An Italian Journey (2017)
- Travels with my Sketchbook by Chris Riddell (2017)
- Explorers' Sketchbooks: The Art of Discovery & Adventure (2017)
- New York Sketchbook by Jason Brooks (2017)
- A Hebridean Notebook by Norman Ackroyd
- Barcelona: Five Routes for Sketching Travelers (2016)
- Walking TOKYO (2016)
- Gardens of Awe and Folly: A Traveler's Journal on the Meaning of Life and Gardening (2016)
- Watercolors of Paris (2015)
- All the Buildings in London: That I've Drawn So Far (2016)
- London Sketchbook
- Manabeshima Island Japan: One Island, Two Months, One Minicar, Sixty Crabs, Eighty Bites and Fifty Shots of Shochu (2015)
- Every Person in New York (2015)
- China Days: A Visual Journal from China's Wild West (2014)
- Meanwhile in San Francisco: The City in its Own Words (2014)
- Citysketch New York: Nearly 100 Creative Prompts for Sketching the Big Apple
- Hello, New York: An Illustrated Love Letter to the Five Boroughs (2014)
- Bahamas Sketchbook (2013)
- Venice: A Watercolor Travel Journal (2013)
- Meanwhile Back in Los Ranchos: An Illustrated Chronicle of Travel, Art, and Finding Home (2013)
- Voyage au Japon 2 Koya-San (2013)
- Drawn to New York: An Illustrated Chronicle of Three Decades in New York City (2013)
- A Paris Sketchbook: Jason Brooks (2013)
- All the Buildings in New York: That I've Drawn So Far (2013)
- An Illustrated Journey: Inspiration From the Private Art Journals of Traveling Artists, Illustrators and Designers (2013)
- Sketches of Soho: Scenes from the Back Streets of Old Hong Kong (2012, reprint)
- Voyage au Japon, Tome 1: Tokyo (2012)
- An Artist's Journey to Bali: The Island of Art, Magic and Mystery (2010)
- Singapore: A Walking Tour (2010)
- Shanghai: A Walking Tour (2010)
- Denys Wortman's New York: Portrait of the City in the 30s and 40s (2010)
- New York, Line by Line: From Broadway to the Battery (2009)
- Singapore: Sketches of the Lion City (2009)
- Sara Midda's South of France: A Sketchbook (2008)
- When Wanderers Cease to Roam: A Traveler's Journal of Staying Put (2008)
- Cambodia & Angkor: A Travel Sketchbook (2007)
- Alina's Travel Journal (preview) (2007)
- LA/SF: A Sketchbook from California (2006)
- Sights and Secrets Sketches and Paintings of Hong Kong (2003)
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