5 Questions for Mattias Adolfsson

Swedish illustrator Mattias Adolfsson has a sequel to his earlier sketchbook The First in Line. The new book aptly named as The Second in Line is almost out and you can now pre-order it from his blog.

Today's instalment of the 5 Questions series looks at his new book and a bit on himself.

Q1. Can you tell us about your new book The Second in Line?

The Second in Line consists of four parts, the actual box, two books and one poster (printed both side).

The first book is 116 pages long is a collection of drawings, sketches and comics made over the last couple of years, the second book (my crib) is themed around fantasy interior sketches from my sketchbooks.

Mattias Adolfsson
The poster is a detailed image from a space ship.

All images are new (no duplication from The First in Line or Mattias Unfiltered). My publisher/designer put it all together over about a month, I just delivered 3-4 sketchbooks plus some random images and he put it all together.

Mattias Adolfsson

Mattias Adolfsson

Mattias Adolfsson

Q2. How does your typical work day look like?

After eating some breakfast and chasing our teenage daughters out of the house, we take a walk in the forest with our little angry Terrier. Arriving home we eat a second breakfast (the walk take it's due). I usually start answering my mail (I tend to lag a bit with my mail I get quite a lot of mail). After the mail I try to post something on all the online channels I have (I tend to jump on all new platforms as fashion varies, I used to focus on my blog but nowadays I get most feedback from Facebook). I then I start drawing, if I have commission work I start with them or if I do not have something urgent I try to draw something anyway in order to have something to post the next day.

Q3. What advice would you give someone who wants to stand out among all the good artists out there?

Not sure, I try to feed my head. Reading, listening to online lectures or the Radio in order to broaden your strokes. Putting down the hours practising on your art, and be careful not to stand out to much from the zeitgeist.

Q4. What tips do you have for artists who want to promote themselves?

I have almost only used the web and I think I had some luck with the timing I started. The web is an impatient beast always looking for the next funny thing and the competition is fierce. Be a nice guy always helps I guess.

Q5. What do you know now that you wished you knew when you were starting out?

That everything takes time, I guess it took about 5 years for me to get my career running alright.

Mattias Adolfsson

Mattias Adolfsson

You can order The Second in Line at https://mattiasa.blogspot.se/2013/10/pre-order-second-in-line.html

While stocks last.

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