Announcement for July 2016

Launch of drawing course

After months of procrastination, I've finally created my own drawing course! The motivation actually came from my Youtube subscribers who wonder whether or not I have any drawing courses. So now I have my own course!

It's certainly not easy coming up with the course. I thought I would have completed it in February but suddenly it's July. That's the curse of procrastination.

Beginner's Guide to Drawing from Observation is the name of the course. As the title suggest, it's an elementary guide to drawing for beginners. No prior drawing experience is required. All you need are basic tools such as pen, pencil, ink and paper.

The course teaches basic fundamentals to help you draw subjects from observation. The tips and techniques taught are the same that I use for my sketches. However, the video tutorials deal with easy subjects to get you started. I'm planning to release another course on drawing on location. Who knows that that course will come out.

Alright, the lessons are as follows:

  1. Introduction - 4min
  2. Lesson 1: Tools - 12 min
  3. Lesson 2: Drawing by Sighting - 21 min
  4. Lesson 3: Understanding Proportion - 26 min
  5. Lesson 4: Drawing with Negative Shapes - 21 min
  6. Lesson 5: Tonal Values with ink washes - 33 min
  7. Lesson 6: Portrait in Pen and Ink - 26 min

You can get the course at

Video tutorials from my Patreon now available for sale

Some subscribers from Youtube have also asked me about the video tutorials from Patreon. Those videos used to be available only for my Patreon supporters. However, I've learned that there are people who don't like the idea of monthly subscription. So now I've bundled the tutorials from my Patreon page for sale separately. I'll be releasing sets of 4 tutorials in the future. The first set is now available at

These tutorials are on urban sketching. They go through the process of drawing and colouring urban scenes on location.

Watch the timelapse videos below to get an idea of what to expect. The actual length of the tutorials are in the brackets.

  1. Little India (27 min)
  2. Bukit Pasoh Shophouses (17 min)
  3. Reading Room Cafe (19 min)
  4. Tiong Bahru Bakery (18 min)

I'm going to Manchester, England, for the Urban Sketchers Symposium

It's really exciting. I'll be going to this year's Urban Sketchers Symposium that's happening at the end of this month. I can't wait to catch up with old friends and also sketch till I drop. lol.

Just like last year in Singapore, I'll cover the event with video on my Youtube channel. If you haven't watched the videos I have put for last year's symposium, they are here: day before symposium | day 1 | day 2 | day 3 | last day

I'm not sure if I'll be able to put up daily videos though. I've been told that there's high speed internet at the symposium location which is at University of Manchester but I'm not sure if my computer will be fast enough to export the videos at the end of the day before I get too sleepy. By the way, I don't have a laptop, so I have to buy a secondhand Macbook Pro just so that I can do this work. Just the thought of spending so much money makes my knees go weak and my eyes starry. But I really want to make these videos so that those who are not able to attend the symposium for whatever reason can watch and follow up with the event.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all my Patreon supporters who have been supporting me over the months. The money I saved from Patreon have HELP ME A LOT when it came to booking accommodation. So THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! It really lifted a heavy weight off my shoulders. As you know, things in England are EXPENSIVE! And I changed my money before the Brexit and wasn't able to take advantage of the £ dropping. WWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyy!?!

After the symposium, I'll be traveling with Hong Kong sketchers to drive around England, from Manchester to York, Cotswold, Cheltenham and finally to London. I'll try to make daily videos of our sketching trip as well.

If you are living in England and have any travel tips for me, let me know in the comments section. I hope it's not too cold.

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