Art Tools of Maja Wronska

For this installment of Art Tools and Gears, we have guest artist Maja Wronska from Poland with us.

Currently based in Poland, Maja is an architect and freelance illustrator by profession, and she has been pursuing her talents and passion in watercolor painting as her hobby since she started to hold a brush.

We have invited Maja today to share with us her paintings and the art tools that she uses, as well as offer some tips for fellow watercolor artists.

Qn: Will you be able to introduce yourself to our readers? (Also, where and when did you learn art?)

I'm a 27 years old architect from Poland. I graduated with an Architecture degree from Warsaw Institute of Technology, and started my own business after graduation. I work as an architect with my mum, having participated in architectural competitions, while working as a freelance illustrator. At the moment, I take commissions for paintings. My mum is also an architect, so she introduced me to all painting and drawing professional tools when I was a kid, and thus my journey with art started back then.

Qn: Could you share with us more about the art-tools that you use?

I already have two sets of White Nights watercolors, but I keep buying new paints over and over again. It works the same way with brushes. I have some superfine watercolor brushes I got as a gift for my birthday, however I use some cheap brushes in everyday work, because I like cutting and shaping them in a way that is convenient for me to use.

Qn: What was the greatest challenge you had faced when painting and/or drawing?

It's really hard to say, because every commission is different. Some of my works are exhibited in places like Biennale in Venice where the standard of art is pretty high. It was a great challenge. I also remember it was very tricky to paint a 100x300cm large watercolor, I had to buy a new table for that and I recall that experience as painting a super large wallpaper :)

Qn: How would you advise a beginner artist who is just starting out on watercolor painting?

The first rule is to like what you do. If someone is really into sketching, he or she should just do it and practise, practise and practise. A beginner shouldn’t be worried about the haters. He or she can listen to some feedback (if they have a reliable source of it), but they should keep in mind the goals they want to achieve – if it’s just being good at sketching, then practising it is the best method in my opinion.

Qn: Do you have any tips to offer to fellow watercolor artists on the choice of art-tools/materials?

The choice of paper is related to the way someone paints. I like rough paper with thick sheets, but I know that plain and cotton paper is better for multi-layered paintings. As I wrote before, I cut brushes in the way I like. I can recommend white nights watercolors, but I use them mostly because they fit to the box of paints my parents gave me when I was a kid.

Qn: What pen did you use to sketch the drawing above?

Yes I did it with brown pen, it was Patio Fineliner 0.4mm.

Qn: What are some of the portable art materials that you carry with you when you paint outdoors?

I paint in my studio 99% of the time. I paint outdoors only when I am on holiday with my fiance (he's an architect too and he's a very good watercolorist). I just take one set of watercolors I use everyday and some paper with a thick cover when I am painting outdoors.

Qn: Have you thought of writing an art-book?

I was recently invited to write some pages in 3D Total Book - "How to keep a sketch journal". It was very fun, and I started to think of writing my own book about drawing, but I'm not sure if anyone would want to buy it. Right now I'm participating in the next 3D Total project, which allows me to work with 99 other artists. We have launched a Kickstarter campaign, and we're collecting funds for an online tutorial which is 100 hours long – an hour's lesson with each artist.

Qn: Lastly, which other artist/s do you think we should feature next?

Artists I know best are my fiance and my mum, so I'm not sure if I can be objective :))

We thank Maja Wronska for this very insightful interview and her generous spirit to share her art tools and experiences. For more of Maja's artworks, you may visit her website. Maja also has a facebook and deviant-art page dedicated for art-lovers.

Check out other artist interviewees at

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