Book Preview: Dos Logos

Dos Logos

Gestalten’s best-selling Logos series has documented and indicated design styles and trends in contemporary logo design worldwide.

This softcover edition of Dos Logos is a comprehensive visual encyclopedia that presents a condensed edit of the popular book. With over 2,300 new examples and stylistic approaches by international designers including more unusual logo applications, the book remains an essential resource for all designers.

To allow comparison in a thematic context, they are classified into chapters according to the industry or purpose for which they were created including "Corporate", "Culture", “Fashion", "In Motion & Games" and "Political & Social". The book contains an extensive index and charts new developments in the field making it an inspirational sourcebook on the visual language of logo creation.

Dos Logos is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

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