Book Review: Design Bloggers at Home

This book is a potent blend of two things I like, interior design and blogging. I love looking at interior designs.

The book's authored by interiors journalist and stylist Ellie Tennant with photography from Rachel Whiting. This 160-page hardcover features the home interiors of 12 leading design bloggers.

It's the cover that first got my attention, and the pages inside hooked me. The photos of the homes are absolutely beautiful. You'll see the different areas around the house, close ups to the shelves, workspaces and little special corners. The lighting is amazing. The photos look like they could come out of an IKEA's furniture catalog. However, the soft touches from these bloggers give the extra life. You'll see some of the interesting things that they collect, such as vintage bottles, one use old and worn doors as headboard for a bed, there are a few with children's drawings on the wall, eggs in crates. Very homely.

The text are of the bloggers talking about their homes, how they decorate their rooms, the different areas, the little details such as things they buy, how they arrange them, and sometimes about where they hide the clutter. If you're a reader of their blogs, you'll probably get the extra connection from reading and looking at these behind-the-scenes photos.

At the end of each profile, there's a list of resources provided by the blogger, as well as some blogging tips. And at the back of the book there's even a mini section with short tips on creating your own blog.

It's a very beautiful book. The layout works very well, neat just like the homes that are featured. Photos are big and sharp.

Highly recommended to those who like interior design, or who are looking for ideas to decorate your home, or just want to look at beautiful pictures.

Here's the list of bloggers featured:

The book will be out in May 2014.

This review copy is provided by book seller and distributor APD Singapore. You can get the book from them and major bookstores in Southeast Asia.

Design Bloggers at Home is also available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

Design Bloggers at Home

Design Bloggers at Home

Design Bloggers at Home

Design Bloggers at Home

Design Bloggers at Home

Design Bloggers at Home

Design Bloggers at Home

Design Bloggers at Home

Design Bloggers at Home

Design Bloggers at Home

Design Bloggers at Home

Design Bloggers at Home

Design Bloggers at Home

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