Book Review: 365 Days of Design: Creative Calendar Solutions

365 Days of Design: Creative Calendar Solutions

This book features beautiful and fascinating calendar designs. It's a 192-page paperback published by Page One.

There are many interesting concepts. Many reinvented the table format of presenting dates. Some tried to create the calendar as a sort of interactive showcase - more interactive than scribbling out dates. There were calendars made of matchsticks, moving liquid ink, pop-ups, die-cut and others. Some are huge, some small, some look like installation art. The plainest calendar would be the table calendar that uses men in mustaches for photos.

The variety is great and creativity high, but unfortunately, some are designed to the point of affecting usability.

The book was originally published in Spanish. The English translation here isn't prefect - there are mistakes - but you can still make out general idea behind each design brief, like what drove these designers to create such unique designs.

You can get this book from all Page One bookstores. The ISBN is 9789814286220.

365 Days of Design: Creative Calendar Solutions - 01

365 Days of Design: Creative Calendar Solutions - 02

365 Days of Design: Creative Calendar Solutions - 03

365 Days of Design: Creative Calendar Solutions - 04

365 Days of Design: Creative Calendar Solutions - 05

365 Days of Design: Creative Calendar Solutions - 06

365 Days of Design: Creative Calendar Solutions - 07

365 Days of Design: Creative Calendar Solutions - 08

365 Days of Design: Creative Calendar Solutions - 09

365 Days of Design: Creative Calendar Solutions - 10

You can get this book from all Page One bookstores. The ISBN is 9789814286220.

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