Book Review: Blogging for Photographers: Explore your creativity & build your audience

Blogging for Photographers is a beginner's guide essentially, targeted at someone who has never blogged before. The author is Jolie O'Dell from Mashable and Venture Beat.

If you already have some blogging experience, then this book may not be that useful because it covers only the basics. But if you know nothing beforehand, then this will give you a quick start, or the work you can expect when your blog is up.

The blogging basics are covered well with the photographer in mind, with constant reference back to the photographer. I'm also a blogger (not on photography though), and many of what's written in the book are things that I do regularly. The tips are pretty standard but still useful, not nothing I've never seen before but books on blogging typically cover the same content.

The chapters covers the different blogging platforms, content writing, building a community, monetization, finding inspiration and some basic photo editing techniques with Photoshop. The chapter on photo editing can easily be devoted to more blogging content as there are better books that deal with such technical knowledge.

Throughout the book there are examples of prominent photography blogs featured. Those are great as inspiration that you can aspired towards, as well as a good resource for coming up with ideas on what to write.

There are reviewers that comment that the book doesn't go into detail. It sort of feels that way, but the thing with blogging is, you just go in and write something and learn on the way, it's not too difficult.

Overall, it's a good book, but I'll only recommend it to those with absolutely no blogging experience.


This review copy is provided by book seller and distributor APD Singapore (website | facebook). You can get the book from them and major bookstores in Southeast Asia.

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