Book Review: Design in Question

Design in Question

Questions and more questions

For a rather small but chunky book this packs a large number of questions about creativity in the broadest sense. Such as: Is graphic design necessary in a non-capitalist country?; Is there a system of values in design?; Do we take design too seriously? You, of course, have to provide the answers.

The idea originated with Ruedi Baur who created a typographic wall of questions at the Elisava School of Design in Barcelona. The book could be quite useful within an academic setting to get students to think outside the box of purely practical exercises that is the main function of commercially creative design colleges.

I do think though that the publishers could have been a bit more creative with the book's editorial. There is one question a page and all set in the same typeface; it would have made more sense if a different typeface was used each time with its name. Also each question is in color on a colored page, how much more useful if these colors all had Pantone numbers. Two simple ideas that would have given the book a positive practical use as well as the stated philosophical one.

Design in Question is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

Design in Question
No it doesn't come with folding green stuff. I included the note to give an you an idea of the book's small size.

Design in Question
From the intro

Design in Question
Typical spread.

Design in Question

Design in Question

Design in Question

Design in Question

Design in Question
A few pages have photos of students arranging the original questions.

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