Book Review: England in Particular: A Celebration of the Commonplace, the Local, the Vernacular and the Distinctive

The English from Abbeys to Zigzags

How do you sum up a nation in a book? Clifford and King have bypassed all the usual razzmatazz of royalty, military successes (or failures) politics and culture and gone for something much more basic and interesting: the bric-a-brac of everyday life. In 512 pages the two authors have packed in an amazing amount of information. For instance M covers: Maltings; Manhole covers; Market crosses; Market gardens; Markets; Martello towers; May Day; Maypoles; Melas; Mews and on to the last one Music.

Each entry has several hundred words written in a straightforward style that is a pleasure to read. There is a slight downside though because all the entries end with `See also' followed by a few related subjects. A trap for the unwary because you'll end up, like I did, meandering through these taking in all kinds of fascinating odds and ends and suddenly another hour has gone.

The authors have wisely avoided using photos with the text. Instead the work of several illustrators has been used to liven up the pages. From David Gentleman's pen and ink and Clifford Harper's woodcut style to the simple, deft line and wash technique of James Sillavan, the hundreds of pictures give just the right feel to the pages.

The Contents list all the entries but nicely there is huge Index, amazingly twenty-seven pages long and a very full bibliography for each entry (I mentioned Manhole covers above: five books are listed).

None of the entries deal with anything so vulgar as commerce but if you are curious about how Bovril, Marks & Spencer, British Rail and plenty of others have contributed to the English character have a look at two books by Peter Ashley: Unmitigated England: A Country Lost and Found and More from Unmitigated England or The English Difference. All three books are strongly visual and throw up all the quirky and enduring traits of the English.

England in Particular: A Celebration of the Commonplace, the Local, the Vernacular and the Distinctive is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

England in Particular: A Celebration of the Commonplace, the Local, the Vernacular and the Distinctive - 01
Three other books that are worth checking out.

England in Particular: A Celebration of the Commonplace, the Local, the Vernacular and the Distinctive - 05
The alphabetical listings have a page for each letter.

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Left: Ivan Allen illustration.

England in Particular: A Celebration of the Commonplace, the Local, the Vernacular and the Distinctive - 03
Typical spread with (left) a lovely railroad crossing illustration by James Sillavan.

England in Particular: A Celebration of the Commonplace, the Local, the Vernacular and the Distinctive - 04
Page after page of the Index.

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