Book Review: Hand Lettering A to Z: A World of Creative Ideas for Drawing and Designing Alphabets by Abbey Sy

Today I featuringHand Lettering A to Z: A World of Creative Ideas for Drawing and Designing Alphabets by Abbey Sy.

The contents of this book consist of the following topics:

  • Tools & Materials
  • Letter Evolution
  • Serif
  • Sans Serif
  • Script
  • Embellishments
  • Applications
  • Gallery Showcase

Tools & Materials

In this topic, Abbey discusses about the basic tools you will need for hand lettering such as paper (and the different types of paper to work on), as well as the different types of pens, pencils, brushes and paint to work with,

Abbey also gives a short introduction on some font styles, such as 'Serif', 'Sans Serif' and 'Script lettering'.

Letter Evolution

This topic is a short guide on how to build and create your own uniquely-styled alphabets.


This topic is a more comprehensive coverage of the 'Serif' font style.

There are 5 practical lessons within - each dealing with a unique 'Serif' font style.

Each lesson consists of a list of recommended art tools to use and step-by-step guides on how to create a particular 'Serif' font style.

Sans Serif

This topic is a more comprehensive coverage of the 'Sans Serif' font style.

There are 4 practical lessons within, with a list of recommended art tools to use and step-by-step guides on how to draw a unique 'Sans Serif' font style.

Abbey's 'Nature Story' font is certainly my favorite! (You will find an intricate pattern of foliage elements interwoven within each alphabet)


This topic is a more comprehensive coverage of the 'Script' font style.

There are 4 practical lessons within, with a list of recommended art tools to use and step-by-step guides on how to draw a unique 'Script' font style (such as 'Freehand Brush Script', 'Lined Script', 'Retro Script' and 'Swish & Flick').


This short topic gives you some ideas on creating and incorporating embellishments into your alphabets.


This topic provides you with some tips on how to apply your hand lettering skills to create custom artwork or even a notebook cover and art journal.

Gallery Showcase

In this closing chapter, Abbey shares with you some examples of creative hand lettering.

Overall, I find this book to be an easy read and yet filled with plenty of ideas for creative hand lettering!

Visit Amazon to check out more reviews.

Here are direct links to the book: | | | | | | |

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