Book Review: J Bennett Fitts: No Lifeguard on Duty

Drop drop inn

Who would have thought that empty motel pools would produced such fascinating photos? John Fitts thought so and these twenty-one photos proves he was right. Here is a wonderful slice of Americana commonplace.

The landscape book is a 2006 exhibition catalog from a Los Angeles gallery. The owner, Paul Kopeikin, writes in the short intro about motel pools, in the past, being an essential part of the property to remind drivers of their own backyard pool: staying in the Travel Inn is just like being at home. Times change and most of these pools and motels are deserted and will probably remain so until the lots are sold.

There are a couple of things I love about these photos. One is the amazing color, a slight pastel feel that makes a strong contrast with all the decay shown in the photos. Secondly, in several images, there is a horizontal strip of commercial activity in the background that really looks intriguing and it's pity that the photos are only printed with 175 screen instead of 250 or even 300 to really capture the detail that is there. Seeing the photos in the Gallery would, of course, have solved that.

Despite being a rather slim book I think there is a unique, original feel to these photos and it's well worth searching out a copy.

J Bennett Fitts: No Lifeguard on Duty is available at

J Bennett Fitts: No Lifeguard on Duty

J Bennett Fitts: No Lifeguard on Duty

J Bennett Fitts: No Lifeguard on Duty

J Bennett Fitts: No Lifeguard on Duty

J Bennett Fitts: No Lifeguard on Duty

J Bennett Fitts: No Lifeguard on Duty

J Bennett Fitts: No Lifeguard on Duty

J Bennett Fitts: No Lifeguard on Duty

J Bennett Fitts: No Lifeguard on Duty

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