Book Review: A Pocketful of Watercolors

A Pocketful of Watercolors - 01

A Pocketful of Watercolors is what it says it is. It's a handbook sized hardcover of watercolour artworks.

This book features lots of wonderful examples of simplified paintings. Each piece in the book is almost postcard size. At that size, you can't squeeze in much details. As such, it's up to the shapes and composition to portray the scenes. Artist Philip Enquist has successfully distilled down each scene to the essence and yet able to convey the mood.

I'm someone who likes to put a lot of details in my sketches. Looking through a book like this helps me think a bit different. Sometimes without detail, you can still make a rather good piece of art.

Most of the artworks included are of landscapes with a few in urban settings, such as with buildings.

It's a nice book. For someone who wants to simplify their drawings, I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot of good examples within.

A Pocketful of Watercolors is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

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