Book Review: Rust N' Bolts by Luis Esteves

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Luis Esteves is a concept artist from Philippines currently working full-time in Singapore. Rust N' Bolts is a collection of his sketches and illustrations from 2015 to 2017. It's a softcover with 106 pages.

Most of the artworks featured are mecha robot related. No surprises as to what's his favourite subjects to draw are. Designs for the mecha robots are fantastic. The designs have good clarity, reads well, have strong silhouettes, looks and feels solid. There's good technical drawing skills shown.

There are also some interior environment art. When I first saw them, the style was really familiar to me. They reminded me of artworks from FZD School of Design students. As I found out in the book, Luis Esteves is in fact a student from FZD.

This book is a great portfolio of work. Those who like mecha designs should check it out.


This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook.

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