Book Review: A Sketchbook by Wil Freeborn

My copy of Wil Freeborn's sketchbook is here. I bought it from his Etsy site

It's a 44-page paperback A5-sized book.

The book is quite thin and the watercolour sketches are very nice so it really makes you want to see more. The scenes captured are streets, parks, cafes and people. They look and feel like snapshots but painted with watercolour.

Wil Freeborn is a designer and illustrator living and working in Gourock, Scotland. Check out more of his work at

A Sketchbook by Wil Freeborn

A Sketchbook by Wil Freeborn

A Sketchbook by Wil Freeborn

A Sketchbook by Wil Freeborn

A Sketchbook by Wil Freeborn

A Sketchbook by Wil Freeborn

A Sketchbook by Wil Freeborn

A Sketchbook by Wil Freeborn

A Sketchbook by Wil Freeborn

A Sketchbook by Wil Freeborn

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