Book Review: Slash: Paper Under the Knife

Slash: Paper Under the Knife - 01

This is actually the companion book for the exhibition organised by the Museum of Arts and Design in New York. And since this is for the museum, it's not surprising there's an academic writeup talking about the the evolution of using paper as a physical art form.

The 256-page book features 52 artists and a huge variety of work. The highlight of the book is the creativity from all these artists and the amazing artworks they have created. It's actually quite amazing to see so many ways that paper can be physically transformed into art. There three dimensional sculptures, origami art, paper that's cut into all sorts of shapes and then put together to form some artwork, and more. Essentially, if you search "paper art" on Pinterest, those are the sort of creative art that you will see in this book. One thing common about all the paper art featured is this, they are all elaborate pieces of work. I admire the patience these artists have to painstakingly cut and make all their artworks.

So why get the book when you can also see beautiful examples on Pinterest? Well, at least the artists are properly credited here, and you can have an easy reference on your bookshelf whenever you want too. It's a good book to have if you want even more resources.

Overall, it's a fantastic book.


This review copy is provided by book seller and distributor APD Singapore (website | facebook). You can get the book from them and major bookstores in Southeast Asia.

Slash: Paper Under the Knife is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

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