Book Review: This Small Blue Dot by Zeno Sworder

This Small Blue Dot by Zeno Sworder - 01

This Small Blue Dot is a children book by Zeno Sworder, a writer and artist from Melbourne, Australia. It's a large format 32-page hardcover for children ages 3 to 5.

The story starts with a lttle girl welcoming her baby sister, and she goes on to tell her all the interesting things and experiences you can find on our planet.

The artwork is lovely. The little girl is drawn with realism using graphite and the world around is drawn in a stylise manner using crayons. It's an interesting juxataposition of colours. There are lots of shapes, symbolism and nice use of composition.

This should be a fun book for children.

This Small Blue Dot is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | AU | JP | CN)

This Small Blue Dot by Zeno Sworder - 02

This Small Blue Dot by Zeno Sworder - 03

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This Small Blue Dot by Zeno Sworder - 08

This Small Blue Dot by Zeno Sworder - 09

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