Book Review: On a Street in Singapore

On a Street in Singapore

On a Street in Singapore is a fun comic style book on Singapore. It's the type of book you expect to see at airports, the type that makes tourists go, "Maybe I should pick up a souvenir from this country. How about this book?"

It's a quick guide to Singapore, covers the history, places of attractions, food and local culture including the way we speak broken English aka Singlish. It's authored by James Suresh and the wonderful black and white drawings are by Syed Ismail.

You can find this book at local bookstores and I'm pretty sure at the airport.

It's also sold directly from Asiapac Books, priced at SGD 18.

On a Street in Singapore

On a Street in Singapore

On a Street in Singapore

On a Street in Singapore

On a Street in Singapore

On a Street in Singapore

On a Street in Singapore

On a Street in Singapore

On a Street in Singapore

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