Book Review: Territory XIII

Territory XIII - 01

Volume 13 of Territory features a cover with some velvet pasted over parts of the illustration you see. The cover is designed by Stephan Lau.

The list of artists and studios featured are:

As usual, there are artist profiles, interview questions and their accompanying art work. The variety is good with new artists to check out. Nana Pong's illustrations are quite interesting. She creates character designs out of socks. The doodle like drawings from Gemma Corell and Makkinoso are fun to see. There are also two T-Shirt community featured, namely Threadless and Flying Mouse. There are some nice and clever T-shirt designs featured.

This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook or visit their website.

Territory XIII - 02

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Territory XIII - 15

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