Book Review: Typography Today

Book Review: Typography Today

Typography Today is not just for graphic designers who use type, but mainly for those who create them.

The bulk of design projects featured here use specially created font. Some are digital but many created out of materials you never thought you would see words on. There are type set in French Fries, created with black hairy fabric or even from the skin of an orange.

At 394 pages, this book features an impressive variety of in its collection.

Great book for inspiration. Those who create typefaces will enjoy it more.

Typography Today - 01

Typography Today - 02

Typography Today - 03

Typography Today - 04

Typography Today - 05

Typography Today - 06

Typography Today - 07

Typography Today - 08

Typography Today - 09

Typography Today - 10

Typography Today - 11

Typography Today - 12

Typography Today - 13

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