Book Review: Understanding Light: Portraying Light Effects in On-Location Drawing and Painting

Understanding Light: Portraying Light Effects in On-Location Drawing and Painting - 01

Understanding Light: Portraying Light Effects in On-Location Drawing and Painting is a book of tips on how you can capture light, shadow and mood with urban sketching. The artist and author is Katie Woodward, a watercolour painter and urban sketcher based in Brooklyn, New York. You can see more of her art on Instagram.

This is an insightful book with tips on how you can use value, colours, paint skies, atmosphere, reflections, foliage and night scenes. The included sketches from the contributing artists are really beautiful and inspiring. Looking at all the art just makes me want to head out and sketch.

This is a lovely book and a great addition to the Urban Sketching Handbook series. Highly recommended.

Understanding Light: Portraying Light Effects in On-Location Drawing and Painting is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | AU | JP | CN)

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Understanding Light: Portraying Light Effects in On-Location Drawing and Painting - 08

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