Book Review: A World of Imagination by Jean-Baptiste Monge

A World of Imagination by Jean-Baptiste Monge - 01

Big thanks to Jean-Baptiste Monge for sending over his artbook to be feature here. This is one of three books I received. The other two are Celtic Faeries and Jean-Baptiste Monge Sketchbook Vol 2.

A World of Imagination is a square-sized 48-page hardcover that collects the fantasy illustrations and concept art of Jean-Baptiste Monge. His art is beautiful with this charming caricature style. There are plenty of gnomes, goblins, faeries and the occasional video game concept art.

The pencil sketches are detailed and lovely. You can tell by the sketches that this guy really loves to draw. The bulk of coloured illustrations are hand painted and they just look amazing. The only downside is this book only has 48 pages so it will definitely leave you wanting more.

This book is currently available on Etsy at

ISBN 9782981528940

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A World of Imagination by Jean-Baptiste Monge - 03

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A World of Imagination by Jean-Baptiste Monge - 07

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A World of Imagination by Jean-Baptiste Monge - 10

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