Colouring The Lion City by William Sim

Colouring The Lion City by William Sim - 01

My friend William Sim has just released two colouring books, Colouring the Lion City (above) and Colouring the World.

The trend of colouring books is still going strong. Just for the last two months, I've three people coming to me saying they are looking for people to create illustrations for colouring books!

Anyway, here are some preview pages from William's book. They are of scenes in Singapore and William has added his own touch of fantasy elements into all the pages. There are 46 illustrations. Back of the page is empty. The paper is thick and you can even use markers because the illustration is only printed on one side with the back empty.

They are sold at all major bookstores in Singapore.

Colouring The Lion City by William Sim - 02

Colouring The Lion City by William Sim - 03

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Colouring The Lion City by William Sim - 10

Colouring The Lion City by William Sim - 11

Colouring The Lion City by William Sim - 12

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