Concepts app's anti-aliasing looks bad: What's the fix?

Anti-aliasing for smooth lines drawn with Concepts app is quite bad if you export them at low resolution (72 DPI shown above).

Shown above is 150 DPI scaled to 500px wide for this website.

This is 300 DPI scaled to 500px wide

And this is the highest export resolution available at 600 DPI scaled to 500px wide.

The steps effect doesn't really go away any any export resolution.

The workaround is to export your art with the highest possible resolution, then downscale from there.

The downside is with certain complex artworks, exporting at the highest resolution may cause the app to crash. If you use Android version of the app and it crashes, you can try transferring the file over to the Windows version to export. File format for the iPad version of Android is not compatible with Android and Windows at the time I'm writing this.

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