Illustrated Life Journal: A Daily Mindful Practice by Kate Sutton (online art course)

Kate Sutton is a freelance illustrator based in The Lake District, UK. Her beautiful illustrations have appeared in publications and books such as The Lonely Planet, The Wall Street Journal and more.

Illustrated Life Journal: A Daily Mindful Practice is an online art course for beginners that teaches illustrative journaling.

This 2-hour course covers the basics of journaling, such as where you can get ideas, what to draw and how to draw. You don't really need any knowledge of art or drawing to take this course. All the illustrated examples in this course are designed for beginners to follow easily, and all involves you drawing in your own style rather than copying strictly what's being shown. The instructions are simple and easy to follow.

This course is about journaling. There are exercises on drawing the things you eat, things you see while you're outdoors, things that inspire you and things you're grateful for. You can then look back at your drawings and recall your experiences. The exercises will help you discover your creative side and make you more creative.

The tools you'll need for this course are pens, coloured pencils, markers, brush pens and a sketchbook.

This is a fun art course for anyone who wants to get started with art. Journaling is a wonderful habit and hobby anyone can enjoy.

By the way, there are plenty of art courses on Domestika. Check out some the ones I've reviewed.

4.5 out of 5 stars

Oh, check out my own drawing courses too!

Check out the course and the reviews on Domestika.

Price of this course is usually around US $19, but the price will vary depending on whether there are any promotion.

Disclosure: This course was provided free to me for this review. When you buy any course through the Domestika affiliate links, I earn some commission at not extra cost to you

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