Instagram Strategy for Business Growth by Dot Lung (online course review)

Dot Lung is a socal media consultant who calls herself the mother of social media dragons. Marketers and with their marketing, I know. Her story of going from broke to building a career using social media is quite inspiring.

Instagram Strategy for Business Growth is an online course where Dot shares her growth strategy on Instagram.

This course is for the absolute beginner with Instagram. Much of the content in this course can actually be found online in bits and pieces on Youtube, not packaged exactly the same as you’ll see in this video of course. The main selling point here is you get a structured guide that helps you understand what you’ll need to be successful on Instagram so that you can get real followers and create real influence.

If you’re like me who has watched countless Youtube videos on Instagram growth strategy and tips, then you aren’t going to learn much. If you’ve been creating content regularly on Instagram, I recommend you go find those Instagram tip videos on Youtube rather than get this course because with the experience you already have, you don’t really need a beginner’s course.

For the absolute beginners, this course is good because it covers the basics on creating value with your work, using Instagram as a platform. The strategies featured are tried and true. I know because I use them for my social media pages too.

There are tips on how you can create a consistent visual identity, schedule content with a calendar, write a post that’s engaging with your audience and also takes into account the Instagram algorithm.

I did pick up a few tips even though I’ve been using Instagram for years. The tip on using Google Calendar to store you assets and schedule your posts is very useful. That tip actually solves a problem of mine. I have many visuals I want to post on Instagram but I don’t want to dump all of them in a day, but after a day or two I forget about posting them. So using a calendar is helpful.

One advice I have for you is this, you have to put in the work to get results. Knowledge of the strategies is useless unless you put them to use. For example, I have 23K followers on Instagram and 223K followers on Youtube. Why the big discrepancy? It’s because most of my effort is focused on Youtube. The results will follow where you channel your effort. If you’re a beginner and you need direction, then this course from Dot Lung may help.

One area where this course can do better would be to include more real life examples. Dot Lung is a social media consultant so I'm sure she has helped a lot of businesses. More examples shown would also give learners more ideas on how the strategies are implement in the real world.

By the way, I've also reviewed another Domestika course called Brand Strategy on Instagram (Spanish) by Julieta Tello which I feel is more substantial in terms of insight, instructions and examples given. So between the two courses, I would recommend the one by Julieta Tello more.

4 out of 5 stars

Check out the course and the reviews (56,000+ students) on Domestika.

Price of the course will vary depending on whether there are any promotion.

Disclosure: This course was bought with my own money. When you buy any course through the Domestika affiliate links, I earn some commission at not extra cost to you

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