Review: Action Cartoonist Art Pen (calligraphic pen?)

It was difficult to resist buying this pen while I was shopping at Overjoyed art store the other day. I came across this calligraphy/art pen and it was just S$6.90 and that's before 10% membership discount. So this was a pretty good deal.

What caught my attention was the huge bent nib. It's like a fude nib, but the nib here is circular. This is unlike typical calligraphy nibs which are straight.

This pen uses a lot of ink given the size of the nib so there's a metal tab attached at the top which I think is to hold more ink when it's dipped into an ink bottle.

And underneath the pen nib is an indent (downwards) that looks like it's suppose to hold more ink too.

The pen nib is capable of producing thin and thick lines. Because the pen nib is circular, you can actually move/twist it around more easily compared to a calligraphy nib.

The flat part of the bent nib can hold too much ink when you dip into an ink bottle, so you do have to drain off that part otherwise ink will either splatter onto paper accidentally, or just run onto the paper from the nib while writing or drawing.

Here's a sketch drawn with De Atramentis Document brown ink.

You can get a nice variation of lines with this pen. The darker and thicker strokes were produced with the pen nib loaded with ink and the ink ran onto the surface. But it's nice in a way that you can get not only thin and thick strokes, but also light and dark strokes.

The broad nib is also great at filling up areas with ink quickly.

This pen is made by this company called Action Co Pte from China but I can't find any links online that sells this pen. If you find any, let me know in the comments section.

At the time of this review, Overjoyed's website also does not stock this.

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This is an elderly Post, but maybe I can identify this nib for you. This is a so called Redis nib, which was quite common in german speaking countrys. It was used for Schnurzugschrift, which means a very uniform lettering for technical drawings following DIN. With the uprise of plastics, ruling pens for technical drawings and Redis nibs for lettering were replaced by rotring isographs and plastic stencils.

BTW: Like your work – it inspires me

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