Review: Luminous Blue from Briolette collection (BENU fountain pen)

Thanks to BENU Pen for providing the pen for this review.

Luminous Blue is another pen from the BENU Pen's Briolette collection, a series of pens that features multi-faceted body design. The previous pen I've reviewed, Island Breeze, is also from the same collection.

Luminous Blue's design is a combination of pale jade-like colour with silver-like particles in the resin body.

I find it quite difficult to find the appropriate adjective to describe this pen, or any of the 13 options available in the Briolette collection. Each one has its own characteristic and evokes a certain feeling. Yes, the pen is beautiful, but there's something else to it as well. Unique, mysterious, or maybe unusual.

The look here is more subdued than Island Breeze and lacks the excitement of colours. However, this pen is anything but dull. This is a pen that glows in the dark! More on that later.

The silver-like particles look slightly less flashy compared to the gold-like particles in Island Breeze.

This pen weighs 19.5g and measures 13.8cm. It has a good weight and length.

It feels great to hold. The cap does not post though.

The nib's a Schmidt stainless steel nib, available in F, M and B.

Ink converter is not included and cost $5.

BENU Pen has also made special pen stands to go with the Briolette collection. The light blue one is called Luminous (US $30) and the darker one is Crystalline (US $30)

The lighter coloured pen stand will, of course, go well with lighter coloured pens.

Here's how the pen and stand look when they glow in the dark. To get them to glow, the pen and stand needs to absorb sunlight first. When in the dark, they will glow to a bright almost neon blue. It's quite a sight to behold.

When I first saw the glow, I was taken aback at how bright the glow was. It was bright enough to have its light reflected off the surface the pen and stand rest on. There's almost something alien about it.

The glow is the main selling point of this pen. It just looks mesmerizing. So should you want to get a fountain pen that's really special, consider Luminous Blue. You can get it at…

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