Review: Perspective in Landscape Drawing by Patrick Connors (Craftsy)

This is the second video tutorial by Patrick Connors on the Craftsy platform.

His earlier course is called Essential Linear Perspective Techniques which I've also featured. That course covers more of the technical aspect of using perspective, such as understanding the 1-2-3 points perspective, drawing out the perspective plane in grid, finding the eye level and horizon.

The 190-minute Perspective in Landscape Drawing course focuses on the less technical aspect of perspective when it comes to landscape drawing. You don't really need knowledge from the previous course for this course although it would be helpful. Both courses are designed for beginners.

The course covers the perception and misperceptions, the common mistakes people have when tackling landscape drawings. He also introduces many useful tools to get you started, such as how to use the composing Ls (aka viewfinders) to plan your composition, the use of the Albertian Veil to check your perspective and size of subjects in your scene, see light and shadow and capture them on paper with pencil shading, how to incorporate atmospheric perspective to make your drawing look better.

The instructions are simple to follow along. Although in one course, he actually created a landscape model from art store supplies, so for that I guess you have to go outdoors for drawing if you don't want to create your own model.

The explanation is thorough and it really makes drawing landscapes less daunting.

This is a nice introductory course for beginners who want to get into landscape drawing. It provides a good foundation to drawing techniques that are accessible and easy to learn and replicate yourself when drawing outside.

You can check out more reviews on the course page below. Craftsy has extended a 50% discount to readers here until 7 October 2015.

Check out other video courses from Craftsy that I've featured at

Disclosure: This course was provided to me by Patrick Conners for review purposes. You can support Parka Blogs by using the affiliate links as I get a little commission from each sale. :-)

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