Sketchbooking for Beginners: Learn to Draw Your Surroundings by Maximiliano Vera Herrera

Sketchbooking for Beginners: Learn to Draw Your Surroundings by Maximiliano Vera Herrera is an online course to get you started with sketching. The course is in Spanish but subtitles are available.

This 2 hr 29 min course is a hands-on practical course that teaches the basics of drawing and finding ideas. The course assumes no prior knowledge to drawing and all you need is a sketchbook and pencil to follow along.

There is a lesson on breaking down complex shapes into more manageable shapes for drawing. There are examples on how complicated detailed city scenes are simplified into basic shapes that make the drawing more manageable. Many of the lesson are actually on simplification.

Subsequent lessons involve making more detailed sketches.

There's also a lesson on using colours to make your drawings stand out or look more interesting. Max Vera's sketchbook pages look so good and is very inspiring.

The instructions are step by step and easy to follow along. As for subject matters to draw, you can draw anything at home or use the reference photos provided. Even sketching mundane items seem fun.

What I like about the course is you can make small sketches if you have no time to draw. And you can create a collage of small sketches that will work together to form a layout that looks good. As they say the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

This is a wonderful course for beginners to get started with drawing.

Oh, check out my own drawing courses too!

Check out this course by Maximiliano Vera Herrera and reviews on Domestika.

Price of this course is usually around US $19, but the price will vary depending on whether there are any promotion.

Disclosure: This course was provided free to me for this review. When you buy any course through the Domestika affiliate links, I earn some commission at not extra cost to you

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