SKETCHTRAVEL book coming on Oct 5

Sketchtravel site

The SKETCHTRAVEL book will be available on 5 Oct 2011. It seems that only Amazon France is selling it at the moment. There are 192 pages. Priced at Euro $28.50.

SKETCHTRAVEL Collector's edition
There's also a limited edition collector edition with the book in a wooden box. That's at Euro $142.50 on Amazon France. Pricy. Not sure what's inside besides the book.

You can check out the SKETCHTRAVEL blog for more details in the future, and get an idea on the pages through the past blog posts.

The SKETCHTRAVEL official site has also just been beautifully redesigned. Check that out too.

Here's the book description from Amazon France (translated by Google Translate):

Sketchtravel is the culmination of an artistic experiment launched in 2006 by Daisuke Tsutsumi and illustrator Gerald Guerlais. The challenge was to share a sketchbook from 72 international artists working in the fields of comics, illustration or animation. This is the first publishing project involving so many visual artists around a common goal: to create an illustration freely without theme. Sketchtravel is also the first book based on the principle of transmission, where the natural rivalry between artists gives a uniqueness to their work. Poetic, personal and often funny, the illustrations collected in this book are unusual today for everyone, waiting for the auction of the original edition in favor of an international charity.

Original French description:

Sketchtravel, c’est l’aboutissement d’une expérience artistique lancée en 2006 par les illustrateurs Daisuke Tsutsumi et Gérald Guerlais. Le défi consistait à partager un carnet à croquis entre 72 artistes internationaux travaillant dans les domaines de la BD, de l’illustration ou de l’animation. Il s’agit du premier projet éditorial réunissant autant d’artistes plasticiens autour d’un but commun : créer librement une illustration, sans thème imposé. Sketchtravel est aussi le premier livre basé sur le principe de transmission, où l'émulation naturelle entre des artistes donne un caractère unique à leurs œuvres. Poétiques, personnelles et souvent drôles, les illustrations rassemblées dans ce carnet inédit sont aujourd’hui à la portée de tous, en attendant la vente aux enchères de l’édition originale au profit d’une œuvre caritative internationale.

A short making-of clip for the book created by Polyminthe

Links to the book on Amazon France: