Vibrant Urban Illustration with Gouache Paint by Mike Thomas

Mike Thomas is an artist and tutor with over 10 years’ experience as a graphic designer.

Vibrant Urban Illustration with Gouache Paint is a beginner's course on using gouache to create a detailed illustration.

The warm up lessons include creating a colour wheel and painting three simple artworks to get a sense of the workflow.

The main project involves painting a shopfront with lots of plants. This is a detailed hands-on project that shows all the steps with clear instructions. There is a lot of insight during the painting process as it starts from a pencil sketching followed by quick blocking of shapes with paint, and followed by adding more and more details. A lot is explained about the thought process and there's a showcase of different painting techniques.

It's a pretty good course that you will learn a lot from. Just note that you will need patience since it takes time to create a detailed illustration.

Check out this course by Mike Thomas and reviews on Domestika.

Price of this course is usually around US $19, but the price will vary depending on whether there are any promotion. When you buy any course through the Domestika affiliate links, I earn some commission at not extra cost to you.

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