Visiting Park Guell

I wanted to draw the multicolored mosaic salamander at Park Guell but I could not. You can see why.

This place was packed with tourists from 10am onwards. If you want to go to this place, go at 8am or even earlier. In fact, go to all the places of interest early in the morning.

My first sketch today is the cavern cafe located at Park Guell's terrace. Oh, I could not draw the terrace also because there wasn't any shade. Major bummer.

This is the other Gaudi building at the park.

That's the front entrance to the park. I've made it 10 times less crowded for this sketch.

Casa Mila. Another building by Gaudi. I hate to rush this piece but it was starting to rain.

Market La Boqueria. Actually, the whole place feels like Tiong Bahru market in Singapore, except it's not that big.

I love the flower shop on the right. It's one huge shop packed with all sorts of flowers! Need to colour this piece.

Yup. I've only managed to colour less than a handful of pieces due to the lack of time. And it's now 145am in the morning in Barcelona.

Met some pretty cool sketcher friends from other countries. Joel from Washington DC, Kumi and Ryoji from Japan, and Tasha from Russia. It's difficult to remember all the people you meet. There are just so many sketchers around.

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