Watercolor Travel Journal by Alicia Aradilla (online course review)

Alicia Aradilla is an artist based in Spain who likes to travel and sketch. I probably found out about her through the videos she posted on her Youtube channel. Her sketches are beautiful and reminds me of what I like so much about travel and sketching.

Watercolor Travel Journal is 2h 26min online course by Alicia on how you can create your own travel journal.

The course starts with her talking about travel sketching, her influences, and then goes into tools and supplies you'll need, basic drawing and watercolour techniques.

The final project is a landscape watercolour sketch.

The tutorial is step by step with clear and concise instructions, very easy to follow along. This course is suitable for beginners with no knowledge of drawing. If you're into urban sketching, you'll probably enjoy this course but intermediate artists probably won't get much out of the course because only the basic art fundamentals are covered.

The course is in Spanish, but subtitles are available in English, Portuguese, German.

One downside, if it's a downside, to the course is, this course is about travel sketching but the teaching was done in a studio drawing from a photo. The course does talk about considerations you'll need to account for when sketching outdoors though.

If you like urban sketching, check out the courses from Alex Hillkurtz, Lapin and Maru Godas too.

4.5 out of 5 stars

Oh, check out my own drawing courses too!

Check out the course and the reviews on Domestika.

Price of this course is usually around US $19, but the price will vary depending on whether there are any promotion.

Disclosure: This course was bought with my own money. When you buy any course through the Domestika affiliate links, I earn some commission at not extra cost to you

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