Winner for Art Book Review Contest #37


The winner for March is vinhnyu who reviewed Yuusuke Murata's FIELD of COLORS. Congrats!

The prize is $40 worth of art books!

Books reviewed in March 2013

The bulk of this month's reviews are mainly Japanese artbooks! Thanks to readers sumore, Catchytint and Slug.

You can also check out the full list of art books reviewed and past contests.

About this contest

The goal is to feature more art books with the help of readers. For each book you review on the forum, you stand to win a prize. To sign up as a forum member, let me know your desired user name using this contact form.

Check out details for the art book review contest.

To get some ideas on what you can review, you can check out these lists:

Next Contest

Deadline for contest #38 is at the end of April 2013

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