Last day in Barcelona, and now in Granada

Right now, I'm in Granada. Tomorrow I'm visiting the Alhambra. Visiting very old places always gives me a sense of wonder. I always imagine what it's like for those people who built those places, and how they lived at that time. The sketch was drawn from Calle San Nicolas, a beautiful place with houses built in undulating manner on a small hill.

Visiting Sagrada Familia

Sagrada Familia is amazing. It reminded me so much of those old school Final Fantasy castles or those from Demon Souls. There are so many winding stairs, corridors and hidden passage ways. Of course, the design is heavily influenced by religion. While I was touring the place, I kept wondering how amazing the architecture is. How on earth did they build the ceiling? How did they know the building will stand, especially with this out of the world design. Fascinating.

The main hall of Sagrada Familia is huge! The ceiling is amazing, exquisite.

My sketching strategy for this trip is to draw the lines outdoors and then colour them when I'm back at the room. But it seems that when I'm back at the room, I'm too tired to colour them. Looks like I'll have to have the lines and colours finished together.

I'm flying off to Spain today

I'll be flying off from Singapore to Spain in a few hours time.

There won't be any new reviews for the next two weeks, but I'll be posting some French translated ones instead during the time.

I'll be attending the sketchcrawl from 10-12 July at Barcelona so see you around if you're there.

If you're there for the Barcelona Urban Sketching Symposium, get connected on the Facebook page and Flick page.

For the next few days, I'll be posting sketches and updates while I'm there.