2019's first sketch at Alsagoff Arab School

These are my first few sketches of 2019. I should probably start sharing more of my sketches on my blog rather than on Instagram this year. Nothing beats putting your own content on your own blog.

All the sketches below were drawn at the Alsagoff Arab School (111 Jln Sultan, Singapore 199006). It was a nice opportunity to sketch inside the school as we had permission to do so. All thanks to the I Jio You! group. I Jio You! is the group that sketches every Saturday, other than on the last Saturday of the month which is allocated for the main sketchwalk from the Urban Sketchers Singapore.

Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah is one of the six full-time Madrasahs in Singapore recognised by MUIS. This is the oldest Madrasa in Singapore and was founded in 1912.

These pen and ink sketches are quick thumbnail sketches to test out the composition. This year, I'll be using the Leda Art Supply sketchbook for these quick thumbnail sketches. I can draw faster and more with pen and ink compared to watercolour. I'll also need to bring out a brush pen because adding values with hatching lines is a bit too slow. The sleeve that's holding the sketchbook is the Arkademie leather sleeve.

At the back of the school is this jackfruit tree that has probably close or more than 20 jackfruit! I've never seen a jackfruit tree in Singapore before. The earth that it was on, as I was told by another sketcher, was sandy because this location was very close to the sea more than a hundred years ago. With land reclamation, we can't see the sea anymore, and I don't even know the direction of the sea.

This was sketched with pencil and watercolour. There's definitely something wrong with my customised sketchbook that's filled with Arches paper. The sizing is off. Colours that I painted on it sort of soaked through the paper, although it did not go to the other side. It's like the paper "expired". Another sketcher told me that day that he has paper that has "expired" as well, and the colours and paint just soak through, resulting in a washed out look. Good watercolour paper should have sizing that lets the paint and water float on the surface. That way the white of the paper and reflect the light to bring out the vibrancy of the paper.

So it looks like I may have to use this sketchbook with Arches paper for pen and ink sketches instead. I've made a few of these sketchbook so I need to use up all these fast. Hopefully this year, I will be able to sketchbook.

The paint that I used was from Nila Colori. I need to test out these paint more before I make a proper review to follow up my first impression video. These colours are not as vibrant compared to Daniel Smith. Many of them can probably be used straight from the pan. You don't have to mix much. One limitation with the set I have was it's difficult to mix a strong green because the yellows aren't that strong.

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