Filming with OneDash22 and MOE STAR at Tiong Bahru

It has been such a long time since I've been back to Tiong Bahru. The neighbourhood still looks the same except many shops have changed.

The shop at the corner of Eng Hoon Street used to sell roast meat is now a cafe restaurant. I was told the lease there has changed hands several times.

Patrick, Priya and I have been invited by MOE STAR, a teacher training institution in Singapore, to create a video to inspire teachers. By create, I mean MOE STAR has hired the a video studio OneDash22 to do the filming.

The only collaboration I do are the type that don't require much work from me. I prefer to sketch and make my own videos otherwise. So this video shoot just involves us doing what we usually do which is to sketch outdoors.

My sketch was drawn with Procreate because they wanted to showcase different media. Even though I have an iPad Pro, I still prefer to use traditional media, namely pen, ink and watercolour, because it's just more fun to create with physical tools, and I enjoy the tactile experience. My digital sketches still look very digital. I probably have to embrace digital and not force it to look traditional.

Anyway, check out the behind-the-scenes video I've made.

I'll share the final video when it's out with you guys.

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