Renesans Intense Watercolour Chart (painted)


Lightfastness: III Excellent II Good I Medium 0 Limited 00 Less 000 Not

Renesans Transparent Yellow Renesans Cadmium Red Pale Renesans Permanent Carmine Renesans Perylene Violet Hue Renesans Helio Cerulean

Transparent Yellow (PY150) - LF III - Semi transparent
Cadmium Red Pale (PO20) - LF III - Opaque
Permanent Carmine (PR48:4) - LF III - Semi transparent
Perylene Violet Hue (PB60, PR101) - LF III - Semi opaque
Helio Cerulean (PB15:3) - LF III - Semi transparent

Cadmium Red Pale was labeled wrongly as PR108.

Renesans Phthalo Blue Renesans Helio Turquoise Renesans Cobalt Turquoise Renesans Olive Green Renesans Golden Green

Phthalo Blue (PB15:1) - LF III - Semi transparent
Helio Turquoise (PB15:3, PG7) - LF III - Semi Opaque
Cobalt Turquoise (PG50) - LF III - Semi Opaque
Olive Green (PG7, PO62) - LF III - Semi Opaque
Golden Green (PY3, PG7, PY150, PY151, PBr6) - LF III - Semi Opaque

Renesans Burnt Sienna Renesans Potters Pink Renesans Permanent Chinese White Renesans Renesans

Burnt Sienna (PBr7) - LF III - Semi transparent
Potter's Pink (PR233) - LF III - Transparent

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