Review: Uni-ball Power Tank & Signo Micro 207

Uniball Powertank (0.7) and Uniball Signo Micro 207 (0.5)

Uni-ball Power Tank
Uni-Ball Power Tank's model number SN-227

Uni-ball Power Tank Uni-ball Power Tank

Uni-ball Power Tank Uni-ball Power Tank

Uni-ball Power Tank
Uni-Ball Power Tank

The reason why I separated these two pens from the other Uniball pen reviews is because they produce very distinct lines.

The Uniball signo 207 produces a grey-ish black lines and produces dry effect when slant.

Power Tank produces similar to common ballpoint pens, grey light lines. It can produce thick black lines with pressure so it can make a smooth gradient of tonal values.

There's this dry ink effect going on even though the pen obviously still has ample ink.

I guess the name Power Tank comes from the massive design but its rather light like the other pens. It has a slightly more grip than most pens but I think its not necessary. It can produce very light lines like those cheap ballpoint pens which means tonal gradient can be optimal and achieved easily compared to the darker ones like Jetstream. It also means you can do more detailed sketches.

Uni-ball Signo Micro 207
Uni-ball Signo Micro 207

Uni-ball Signo Micro 207 Uni-ball Signo Micro 207
Uni-ball Signo Micro 207

Uni-ball Signo Micro 207 Uni-ball Signo Micro 207
Uni-ball Signo Micro 207

Uni-ball Signo Micro 207
Signo Micro 207 has a quite nice overall design. It is sleek and smooth. The handling is more comfortable than the Power Tank.

Power Tank’s refill. The ink's inside an inner tube sealed by a larger outer tube.

The top is Power Tank dismantled, and the bottom is Signo Micro 207 dismantled. What’s interesting is that the Powerbank opens up at the end for refill while it opens at the cap like the Signo Micro 207.

This is a sketch made with Power Tank and Blockx watercolour on Moleskine watercolour book (art plus). The left is the scan and the right is the photo. The actual looks like the photo. The scan is for you to look into details on the blobs and lines. I am pleased with its performance. It is dark yet light enough to make “more” tonal values. Most ball point pens are too light.

This sketch is made with Signo Micro 207. It makes really interesting lines that I have not gotten from all the rest of pens I have ever tried. “One of a kind” However, it has a certain style to it and I couldn’t be more flexible with this pen then the others. Ink doesn’t flow well when you slant the pen, so unless you want that kind of shading it makes (dry ink effect), go for it. If you want uniform inkflow all the way, you will have to position this pen straight. It feels a little scratchy on the paper, rough or smooth. It should have blobs unless you slant the pen all the way.

These sketches are for your comparison. The left is Power Tank and the right is Signo Micro 207. Both pens are worth your collection. They can add a variety of lines in your work.


Follow the direct links below to get Uniball Power Tank on | | | | | | |

Follow the direct links below to get Uniball Signo Micro 207 on | | | | | | |

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