Sketches from July 2018 to Feb 2019 (Hahnemuhle sketchbook)

I probably should have posted this a long time ago. Scanning all the pages at a go can certainly make you procrastinate. So it's always better to scan immediately after you complete any sketch.

The sketchbook used here is the Hahnemuhle sketchbook with 200gsm watercolour paper. It's a nice watercolour sketchbook. I like it more than the Moleskine one.

This was sketched on location an a back alley in Tiong Bahru, an old neighbourhood estate in Singapore. You can't find such low-rise public housing in Singapore anymore. In fact, the new Jalan Membina residential blocks just beside these old buildings are so tall they will make you feel like you're in Hong Kong.

Mixing Sepia and Daniel Smith Walnut inks with some primary colours. Not a good mix.

Sepia is best used on its own and you can get some wonderful value studies. I guess you can mix with blue to get black but I prefer using Burnt Sienna instead.

Payne's Gray from Daniel Smith, Blockx and Sennelier. Even though the name is the same, the pigments used to create the paint are different. The look for each paint is slightly different too.

Payne's Gray is good for value studies as well.

I still remember it was hot day and the contrast from the sky and backlit building was so strong I had to squint my eyes.

Testing some colour mixes. This sketch was created for a Youtube tutorial video.

Another sketch created for a Youtube tutorial.

Colours from the Sennelier Aqua Mini set.

Colour mixed from the Sennelier Aqua Mini set.

Sketch painted with the Sennelier Aqua Mini set.

Blockx colour mixes. Those are
paint I received a long time ago. They don't rewet well if you don't use them for a long time.

Another part of Tiong Bahru.

This pond is no longer in front of KKH hospital.

Some colour mixes.

Some colour mixes. I wish I could say more about these colour mixes but I can't remember why I made them.

This was sketched with ink and watercolour.

This was sketched with pencil and watercolour.

Daniel Smith New Gamboge used to be PY153 but the new formula is PY97 + PY110. The new formula looks very similar to the old, and works just fine.

More mixes with New Gamboge.

Colour mixes with PY175, PR122 and PB15:3

PR122 is a fantastic magenta which is vibrant and a good primary colour for mixing.

Colour mixes with PY175, PB29 and PR255

A mixed media sketch where I tried not to draw the buildings with outlines.

This sketch is lacking detail.

Another sketch which lacks detail

This is the old Taichung Train Station. This was drawn during the AsiaLink Sketchwalk in Taichung in 2018. Good times.

The city of Taichung, Taiwan.

Two different formula for Sap Green.

This sketch was made for a Youtube tutorial.

Cerulean Blue PB35 vs Cerulean Blue Chromium PB36

Not sure why I sketched this.

Watercolour paint from Nila Colori. See my review.

Not looking good. That's how things look when you loose concentration while drawing.

Cerulean Blue is such a lovely colour when you use it to mix shadows. I love the colour separation and granulation.

More colour mixes.

I actually wanted to create a limited colour mixing video for this sketch but it did not turn out well.

The same chairs now with colours.

Drawing with red ink, pencils for a Youtube tutorial.

More colour mixes

This was sketched from a reference photo. It's a Youtube tutorial.

Buses you see in Singapore.

This is my favourite sketch in this sketchbook. It's the Asia Civilisation Museum draw with really thin lines and painted with light wash of watercolour. I like it because it has lots of details. It was drawn from a reference photo.

Some colour mixes. There are many limited colour mixes in this sketchbook that I've created to make the limited colour palette videos.

Unfortunately this sketch doesn't look too good, probably because it's lacking in detail.

Another view of the Asian Civilisation Museum.

A viaduct sketching tutorial. This was actually drawn on location but I did not think it turned out well so a few days later I made another Youtube tutorial.

This sketchbook took me a long time to fill. Yeah, I'm slow. Sketchbooks are the most difficult art products for me to review because I like to review them only after I fill up the sketchbooks.

Anyway check out all my sketchbook reviews at

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