Stirling Road Sketchwalk (24 Nov 2012)

Trying out my new Rotring Isograph technical pen. It's good but a bit overpriced. The wash is from Derwent Graphitone.

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

This is drawn with the Pilot Hi-tecpoint V7 fitted with Rotring ink. It works well, so far. I've tried India ink in this model before and it destroyed the pen. I like the Pilot more than the Rotring because it's smoother on paper and you can draw with the pen at any angle.

For information on the next sketchwalk, visit Urban Sketchers Singapore.

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

Stirling Rd sketchwalk

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