Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Here are some photos I took while covering a story on the Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013 at Fort Canning Park.

The event was organised by Sculpture Society (Singapore) and NParks that was held from 27 Nov to 1 Dec 2013.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Even though the event is over, the public can still view all the sculpted wood pieces until 1 Mar 2013. The sculptures will be located at various parts of Fort Canning Park. Most of them can be found at the Old Married Soldiers' Quarters, which is actually the top of Fort Canning Park.

If you're going by SMRT train, drop off at Dhoby Ghaut MRT, take the lift at Park Mall shopping centre to level 4, and go up the hill from there.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
This is a big piece sculpted by some musicians. They used it to perform music for the opening ceremony.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
The chainsaw is used for creating the general shape quickly. It's difficult to use because of the need to control it for sculpting.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
I was there with my friend Edric who was there to sketch.

Some of these photos are from the second last day of the symposium. I had to interview the sculptors and had no time to sketch as I had to rush off to work after that. It was a long day because that morning I was also at the sketchwalk at Punggol 930am in the morning.

The day before this, as I was making my way up the Fort Canning Park, I was drench wet by the thunderstorm and had to give up and go home. Thank goodness it was held over the few days so at least I could still gather information from the artists.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
Not all the sculptors at the symposium are from Sculptor Society. Some are also art teachers, there are also students.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
That's my friend Eve trying to chisel the wood. It's a strenuous activity as wood is hard and difficult to chisel.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
The bigger pieces would have more people working on it.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
These are students.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
This three-year-old kid is also helping her parents with sculpting.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
One of the sketches I did there.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
This is veteran sculptor Han Sai Por working on an inverted tree to show off the root network.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
This was on the last day. By this stage, most of the sculptors were finishing up their work.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
This is the indoor exhibition area. Most of the sculptures are outdoors.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
I thought this was a dinosaur bone.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
Holes were created for insects to nest in them.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
NParks donated the wood for this event. Most of them are from Fort Canning Park itself. NParks don't just throw away the wood from trees they cut down.

The wood above is more than 10 years old. The decayed outer layer can be removed and the inner layer is still good for sculpting.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
How did this get on me?

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
This could be the cross section of some wood giant's brain.

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013
Another sketcher

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

Wood Sculpture Symposium 2013

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