OMG! Adam Hughes is coming to STGCC 2015!
Oh my goodness, Adam Hughes is coming to Singapore Toy Games Comic Convention this year! Other artists included Camilla d'Errico, Koyama Shigeto and Sadamoto Yoshiyuki! STGCC will be on 12-13 September 2015 at Marina Bay Sands.
Urban Sketchers Symposium Singapore Last Day
The Urban Sketchers Symposium in Singapore has just ended yesterday. Time flies when you're having fun. It was terrific to see old friends and make new ones.
It has been a very inspiring experience to see so many people come together for the love of sketching. And it's great to see many who are so enthusiastic about learning from their instructors.
Over the past few days, I've made several videos and through them, I hope you can get a sense of what the symposium is like. The video below covers the last day. You can see all other videos at