George Butler on drawing in areas of conflict

He's brave to do what he do.

"George Butler is an artist and illustrator specialising in travel and current affairs. His drawings, done in situ are in pen, ink and watercolour.

In August 2012 George walked from Turkey across the border into Syria, where as an unofficial guest of the rebel Free Syrian Army he spent 4 days drawing the civil war damaged, small and empty town of Azaz. 6 months later he made a similar trip back to Syria to record the stories amongst the refugees and the field hospitals. These drawings were reproduced by the Times, the Guardian, Evening Standard, Der Spiegel, ARD television Germany, NPR (USA) and reported on the BBC World News, BBC World Service, CNN twice, Al Arabiya and Monocle Radio.

However, his sense of adventure did not start here - since leaving Kingston university, drawing has taken George around the world, depicting the oil fields in Azerbaijan, soldiers in Afghanistan, reconstructive plastic surgery, G20 riots, the New York Fire Department and Asian Elephants."

Review: Sketching Landscapes in Pen, Ink and Watercolor (Craftsy course)

Sketcher and watercolour artist Shari Blaukopf has just launched her first online watercolour course on Craftsy. It's called Sketching Landscapes in Pen, Ink and Watercolor.

I've been following her blog for a long time and has even featured her drawing tools before here on Parka Blogs.

I've always wanted to learn from her, to see how she mixes and uses watercolour. So I'm delighted to see the course and bought it instantly. At the time of this writing, her Craftsy course page says that more than 500 have enrolled in her course.