Videos at STGCC 2010
Here are some HD videos I shot at STGCC 2010. You can view them at 1080P if you have enough bandwidth.
Artist Alley
Stormtroopers dancing to a Kinect-enabled game.
Demonstration of Pencilbrush. It joins several pencil leads to form one drawing tip.
Kids at a puzzle booth.
Rocketraygun (my colleague) sketching.
Rocketraygun getting some feedback on his work from Leinil Yu.
Celine Choo (deviantart) sketching.
Simone Legno signing for fans
A street dancer performing.
A caricature artist from sketching away.
Mega Man Tribute Artbook Call for Submissions
Udon Entertainment is calling for submissions for their upcoming Mega Man Tribute artbook.
Check out their site for more details.
If you need reference, you can check out some of the Mega Man art books I've reviewed.