What did you buy during The Great $14.99 Amazon Sale?

I've pushed the Bargain Books page back and removed all the links to books that went back to their normal prices. It was a glitch after all.

Looks like Amazon's sending out cancellation letters to some already.

I read that some books actually got shipped out, especially those that were in stock.

What did you buy during The Great $14.99 Amazon Sale? Did you manage to get your art books to the "Shipping Soon" or "Shipped" stage?

Here's what I ordered, some of which are for my friend.

Amazon Pricing Error on Comics?

Update 8 March 2010, 7.53pm Pacific Time:

Many have reported that the prices are back to normal when they are on the product page. I've removed all the Amazon links for books that went back to the normal prices. But the list is still up if you want to reminisce.

The Death of Captain America Omnibus for only $8.24?

Amazon's also pricing some comics at very attractive price. So attractive I'm beginning to think that this is a major pricing error. But hey, I might be wrong. Check out the deals below.

What's your favourite character, monster or boss from Final Fantasy?

Malboro from Final Fantasy XIV

Malboro from Final Fantasy XIV

I'm glad to see that Malboro, my all-time favourite non-boss monster, has been given a beautiful face lift for Final Fantasy XIV. I can never forget its breath with the deadly confuse spell.

What's your favourite monster, boss or character from the Final Fantasy series?

Win a copy Welcome to Forest Island

This contest is closed and the winner is kynu.

Welcome to Forest Island
I've a copy of Welcome to Forest Island from Bwana Spoons to giveaway.


  • This giveaway is open to all readers
  • Closing date is 2 March 2010, 9pm GMT
  • Just post a comment below to participate
  • Leave your contact email in the email box and not on the main comment box.

Cool Art Blogs from February 2010 (List 2/2)

Some cool art blogs from February 2010.

Got a referral? If you have any art websites/blogs that you're following religiously or just have any interesting/inspirational sites to share, throw them in the comments section below.

Note that this is a referral program and not a self promotion program.
