Winsor & Newton's 2013 new tube packaging redesign

Winsor & Newton Desert Collection range of watercolour paints
Winsor & Newton has just released a new Desert Collection range of watercolour paints. Apparently, they are limited edition paints. Winsor & Newton, why? Anyway, I bought myself some tubes to try it out.

What's also new is the redesigned packaging they are now using. Looks like they are going back to the old school days of just showing off the shiny metal tubes.

This is the previous packaging for their watercolour tubes. Personally, I prefer this design because the colour is on white, so it's very clear what colour is in the tube.

Daler Rowney watercolour tubes
Daler Rowney's watercolour tubes are also pretty clear. I like this even better because the colour swatches are printed even bigger.

Daniel Smith Watercolour tubes
Daniel Smith's design is also quite nice.

Winsor & Newton Dark Brown watercolour tube
Winsor & Newton's redesigned packaging only has a small stripe of colour on the front, and an even smaller stripe on the back. In this case for the Dark Brown, it's not easy to even notice the colour stripe on it.

Just in case you can't see clearly, the words and colour are printed on a transparent plastic that's wrapped round the tube.

Winsor & Newton Yellow Titanate, Transparent Orange, Gold Brown
New packaging aside, the paint looks good, and that's probably all that matters.

What you see above are Yellow Titanate (PBr24), Transparent Orange (PO107) and Gold Brown (PBk12) on cold pressed paper.

Winsor & Newton Yellow Titanate, Transparent Orange, Gold Brown
These are the same colours but on smoother paper.

Winsor & Newton Dark Brown, Indian Red Deep, Phthalo Sapphire
These are Dark Brown (PY164), Indian Red Deep (PBr25) and Phthalo Sapphire (PB15:6).

Winsor & Newton Dark Brown, Indian Red Deep, Phthalo Sapphire
Again the colours on smoother paper.

The hue of Dark Brown, Indian Red Deep and Phthalo Sapphire are not easy to discern from the paint.

The new colours are now added to my Winsor Newton box. It's just nice that I've six empty pan slots. Darn, French Ultramarine is almost used up.

Head over to Jackson's Art Blog to see artist Ann Blockley's experiments with these colours which are admittedly more exciting that my own presentation.


The Winsor & Newton Desert Collection is available on Amazon and Jackson's Art Supplies (UK).

Direct links on Amazon:

Direct links on Jackson's Art Supplies:


Thank you for this. My husband is rebuilding his watercolor pallet (after years of abuse) and ran out of some colors. So for Valentines day I was gonna order him some extra. He had some tubes- given to him by a friend- which were 2011's model. Or older. Probably a lot older, lol. And They were the 'white' tubes that said "W/N Artist's Water Color". And I was digging all over online for them, and sure as hell wasn't gonna drop the expensive asking prices at the local AC Moore. It never accrued to me that they might have changed the package! I wanted to get him the same type he has had before. I mean, I guess the Cotman is okay. But I wanna make sure he has the same quality as before (the link is his own instagram for his paintings). So, if I'm gonna reorder him some tubes go with the silver ones that say "professional"? They're the same as the old white tubes that say "artists'" on them? :) Thanks a bunch!

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